Interview Tips: How to smash that interview!

Interviews may seem like the most daunting part of your application process, but staying calm and collected is key. Remembering these tips will help you smash your interview!

Somali Lawyers Association
3 min readDec 6, 2020

Partner interviews:

Identify competencies: While you can’t predict exactly what questions you will be asked; if you gather enough information through research you can usually identify the competencies being assessed. Even if you don’t have an exact specification, the job description or some research into similar roles will give you a good idea of the competencies the person interviewing you is likely to be looking for.

Provide evidence: Don’t just merely highlight qualities you have, think back to any relevant or complementary experience (such as part-time jobs, voluntary work, pieces of work or extracurricular activities) that can illustrate these personal qualities. This will enable you to match the best of these examples with the competencies you have previously identified.

Research the firm and the profession: Once you’ve gathered evidence for each of the competencies, you should be prepared to answer several questions that give you the chance to demonstrate your commercial awareness. Be mindful of the fact that everyone will have access to a basic level of information using the internet, so any research you can do beyond that will make you a stronger candidate. One of the best and most unique ways to do this is by speaking to representatives at law firms or reaching out to anyone you know who’s worked or trained there.

Motivation: As well as testing whether you are an ideal candidate for the job, recruiters will also want to know your motivation for choosing the job. Ask yourself why you want to work for this firm specifically, how you want your career to progress, what it is that you love about law and the ways in which you’d like to make a professional contribution to the field. Be prepared to answer questions about this and convey your enthusiasm to recruiters.

Group interviews:

Speak with Purpose: remember, being noticed isn’t just about speaking the most, to be memorable, make sure what you are saying is unique and contributing to the conversation. Preparation is key but try to avoid scripted answers, any material you prepared ahead of time will most likely be similar to someone else, focus on moving the conversation forward with your contributions.

Listen: In a fast-moving group interview when you’re just trying to get a word in, it can be difficult to resist only thinking about what you’re going to say next. But in order to speak purposely, you have to listen to everyone involved in order to stay engaged and follow where the conversation is headed. Really pay attention and even when you’re not talking ensure your body language shows that you are alert and involved. Be polite and never interrupt when someone is else is speaking, if a thought pops into your head that you want to come back to, very quickly make a note. Then when it comes time to speak, your contribution will be much better informed and valuable.

Involve Everyone: you will want to be original but You’ll also want to build off of other candidates’ ideas. If someone answers a question, follow it up by addressing his or her response and adding your own thoughts. Remember, the interview is supposed to involve everyone in the room. And that goes for the interviewers too, make sure to address all of them when you’re speaking, even if one of them is silent the entire time.

